Citizens for a Livable Cranbrook Society provides grassroots leadership and an inclusive process, with a voice for all community members, to ensure that our community grows and develops in a way that incorporates an environmental ethic, offers a range of housing and transportation choices, encourages a vibrant and cultural life and supports sustainable, meaningful employment and business opportunities.

Monday, December 31, 2012

Cranbrook Guardian - in Review

The readership of this little blog has now grown from its initial readership in 2010 of a few pageviews per week to between 11,000 and 12,000 pageviews per month.  Citizens for a Livable Cranbrook saw a need in 2010 to share what many saw as ‘the other side of the story.’  Cranbrook was facing a major boundary expansion enabled by an alternative approval process.  Many were fearful of the consequences of such a decision and considering what has happened to several developments in and around Cranbrook, the state of our infrastructure and future municipal financial realities, the taxpayers uprising to oppose such extravagance was not a bad decision. 

In our list of most read articles of all time was the article titled 'The Whole Story' from the fall of this year 2012.  It took us into the world of Provincial politics.  Although our focus is primarily Cranbrook’s well being, all things are connected and when the Cranbrook Chamber of Commerce chose not to facilitate a Cranbrook business audience for the leader of the opposition, Citizens for a Livable Cranbrook questioned the decision.  It is not surprising this story was the most popular for 2012. 

A storm of another kind came in second as a popular story for 2012. It was that of the windstorm of July 20th ‘More Storm Images.’  This storm wreaked havoc with trees and property in and around Cranbrook and the evidence is still clearly visible especially on a few homes still awaiting the completion of restoration. 

The popularity of the Christmas CP Holiday Train should not be surprising as it is searched from all over the country and The Cranbrook Guardian is one of the easily found internet sites.  At this time of year it can be seen that the SouthStar Trails are searched continually and it is our hope that someone soon is able to regularly update the SouthStar Trail blog.

Running a City is no easy task but when the collective wisdom of all taxpayers is taken into consideration, it likely will be a smoother ride.  Decisions made or influenced by a few frequently become problematic if there is not a good understanding of what the residents want.  We like to think this blog provides another venue for debate and discussion around some issues concerning our city.  We like to think that those watching and listening will have more information on which to base their decisions.   Cranbrook belongs to all of us so keep the comment coming in. 


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