Citizens for a Livable Cranbrook Society provides grassroots leadership and an inclusive process, with a voice for all community members, to ensure that our community grows and develops in a way that incorporates an environmental ethic, offers a range of housing and transportation choices, encourages a vibrant and cultural life and supports sustainable, meaningful employment and business opportunities.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Advance Council Notes for the Meeting of March 23rd, 2015, Council Chambers 6:00pm


5.1 Cranbrook and District Arts Council,  Sioban Staplin and Bill McColl.  Proposal to develop Fire Hall No 1 into an Arts Centre and Gallery


6.1 Bylaw 3817

To consider "City of Cranbrook Leisure Services Fees and Charges Bylaw No. 3817, 2015", which adjusts Leisure Services Fees and Charges to reflect Council's direction to abolish the resident non-resident fee structure.
Adjustments to the Leisure Services fees and charges will result in a decrease to revenues of approximately $35,000 to $40,000 annually. Approximately $20,000 of this amount is reflected in Sports Pass purchases,while the remainder represents the additional fees non-residents paid for services such as aquatic admissions. It is expected that over time, increased usage from non-residents will gradually increase revenues, offsetting some of this initial budget impact.

6.2 Bylaw 3819
To consider third reading and adoption of a proposed amendment of the Official Community Plan to redesignate part of a property located on Theatre Road from a "Light Industrial" designation to a "Heavy Industrial" designation.

6.3 Bylaw 3820 Zoning
for above

6.4 Bylaw 3822

For Council to repeal Motor Control Center (MCC) Replacement - Spray Irrigation Facility Loan
Authorization Bylaw No. 3812, 2014 so that staff can proceed with a second alternative approval
process as set out in section 86 of the Community Charier to obtain elector approval on a borrowing
not to exceed $700,000.
Upon expiration of the statutory quashing period (which extends for one month after the adoption of
the bylaw), an application was made to the Inspector of Municipalities for a Certificate of Approval.
Unfortunately, the statutory requirement of having the deadline for submission of elector responses
be at least 30 days after the second newspaper publication was not met, being one day short.
Therefore, as the bylaw does not meet statutory requirements, it is prudent that the Motor Control
Center (MCC) Replacement - Spray Irrigation Facility Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 3812, 2014 be
Staff is bringing forward, under a separate report recommendation, a new loan authorization bylaw
to initiate the second alternative approval process.

New Business

8.1  CBK Youth Project
To obtain Council's authorization to continue the City's partnership with the Cranbrook Youth Project, under the oversight of the United Way East Kootenay; and to enter into a contribution agreement with the Columbia Basin Trust for years 3 and 4 of the Cranbrook Community Directed Youth Funds project.

8.2 Finance and Computer Services
To appoint one member of Council and two alternate members of Council as Municipal Insurance
Association of BC (MIABC) voting delegates.

8.3 Library Board Appointments

10.1 Administration Update
Urban Deer, Media Release, North Star R2T, Damage to Fibre Optic Public Works, Sink Hole repairs


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